Without addressing the ongoing global climate crisis, we are essentially “moving deck chairs on the Titanic” as to human and wildlife sustainability, and even our economy. The Florida Wildlife Federation supports clean energy by reducing carbon-based energy, increasing forestry, and educating decision-makers about renewable energy opportunities.
Clean Energy
Addressing the Climate Crisis
No other state faces the impact of increasing temperatures more so than Florida. To mitigate this ongoing threat, FWF has consistently pushed state and federal legislators to not only recognize what is happening, but to act. This is not a partisan issue; all of us will be impacted by rising seas, increased insurance costs, hurricane damage, and environmental destruction.
As the Sunshine State, we should be the leader in solar energy development and use. Rooftop solar could be part of the answer, as well as offshore tidal energy production facilities, which use the ever-moving tides to generate electricity. Both of these systems are being used extensively in other places on the globe. To retain greenhouse gases, such as CO2, FWF believes in the expansion of our forested lands and wet and dry prairies that absorb these heat-inducing gases. These lands also provide jobs, wildlife habitats, and groundwater recharge.
Mass transit, such as bullet trains, which takes vehicles off the road, may play a part in modernizing our transportation infrastructure without adding to the climate crisis. If we are to leave the Florida that we now enjoy to our children and future Floridians, we must act now to face a warming planet.