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The Florida Wildlife Federation is committed to protecting Florida’s water, wildlife, and wild spaces by taking action today to prevent irreversible loss tomorrow. Building on an 88-year legacy of bold advocacy, we’re continuing our vital work during the 2025 Florida Legislative Session, addressing issues that threaten Florida’s wildlife and championing legislation that supports our state’s land, water, and natural ecosystems. 

Starting March 4 and running for 60 days, our priorities will be funding conservation, defending public lands, and restoring the Ocklawaha River by reuniting the Great Florida Riverway. 

Fund Conservation

To keep pace with the intensity of development pressure in our state, we’re requesting a $500 million minimum from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to fund land conservation through the Florida Forever program.

Florida Forever is our flagship land conservation program in Florida. It is a science-based, transparent program lauded as a national leader in conservation. With its predecessor P2000, more than 2.6 million acres of conservation land have been purchased in Florida. 

The level of funding we’re requesting is imperative to ensure our state agencies are poised to acquire the highest priority, environmentallysensitive land on the approved 2025 Florida Forever work plan. 

With property values steadily increasing, immediate action is needed: in just two years, the cost to acquire the remaining acres in the Lake Wales Ridge Ecosystem—a Florida Forever high-priority project—has risen by 131%, based on assessed values from 2021 to 2023. 

Defend Public Lands

Recent threats to state parks and public lands prompted a strong response from Floridians, underscoring the urgent need for swift and direct legislative action to: 

  • Prohibit incompatible uses of state parks and public conservation lands, including but not limited to golf courses, lodges, and pickleball courts.   
  • Ensure public land transfers, swaps, or sales are conducted in an open and transparent process, with opportunities for public engagement and thorough consideration of conservation value and restoration potential. 
  • Guarantee current protection mechanisms using conservation easements are truly in perpetuity.  

We will oppose policies that would result in the loss or transfer of conservation land and the erosion of the public, transparent process for the surplus of conservation land.

Restore the Ocklawaha

We support reuniting the Great Florida Riverway by partially breaching the Rodman dam and allowing the Silver Springs, Ocklawaha, and St. Johns Rivers to return to their natural flow. 

The restoration of the Great Florida Riverway would benefit the surrounding counties economically, increase recreational opportunities, and solidify the largest springs restoration project to date. 

You Can Make a Difference

We encourage all Floridians to stay informed, support conservation policies, and make their voices heard. Mark your calendar for our next Livestream on February 27 to learn how you can play a part in taking a bold stand for Florida’s wildlife and wild spaces. 

For even bigger impact, consider joining our Legislative Advocacy Team. 

The actions we take together today can ensure our natural treasures remain protected for generations to come. 

One Comment

  • Rene Raaymakers says:

    Thank you for this amazing article. Will be both hoping and praying you get all that you want to end the dollar amount to protect our natural Florida. I also now understand the dire consequences of this lawsuit about the scrub Jay, how it could completely up and the endangered species act, which is one of the most successful Programs the United States has ever passed. The next four years I could destroy the what the endangered species act was meant to protect

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